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- TF01
- 3,Convention Reports - Part 3
- 4,
- CONUNDRUM (continued)
- -----------------------
- Report by Edward Woo
- ----------------------
- SATURDAY: I was wide awake when the 7:30 am alarm call rang. Maggie
- was up also. I had arranged to give Simon, Jane and John a wake up
- call this am. I duly phoned them and Jane picked up. they were
- already up eating melons - strange people. I suggested 8 am breakfast
- - they agreed.
- One electric shave, one wash and tidy up and went down for breakfast.
- Maggie was still tired as she was not used to getting up this early
- as she works late in a restaurant. Into the garden restaurant and
- were shown a nice window table; nearly taking Richard A's table by
- mistake. Big John the Klingon was a wave away as I said hello. Our
- first Scottish breakfast of fruit juice, tea, toast, cornflakes and
- cooked bacon energy filler. half way through it all Donna and Adrian
- joined us even though the table was small with some many plates.
- luckily the plates were removed as soon as they were clean.
- Recognised more faces, Klingon Kevin who was on that Breakfast TV
- item as the ST exhibition in Edinburgh for 10 secs, a lady with an
- arm in a sling, I knew but not by name. She tried to sell me some
- blue prints last year. the a young lady passed by and said "hello
- Edward". Again I recognised the face but not name. It took me a few
- hours to get it, Katrina. Collected a few jam pots for lunch and saw
- J + J and S over in the corner - only a little late. There was a
- stewards meeting at 10:00 am but I couldn't attend but showed Maggie
- the ropes and she had a read the briefing as well.
- It was not 9:00 am yet but the dealers room had not opened and there
- was no queue - that was strange. Looked round the door but people
- were still setting up including Richard on his table with his Voyager
- trading cards when the dealers room was opened, there was a mad dash
- and there was plenty of room to look. I dumped a few items for the
- IDIC table, 2 books and some newsletter items. Across the way I had
- some white Horta items to sell which Stephen said I could down.
- I had my list but I had to briefly put price tags on each item in
- pencil, ten in all and left them on the stall. the usual dealers of
- Sheffield, NuEarth, Lincoln and American dealer, a number of familiar
- clubs/stalls. One American dealer had genuine signed photos which
- Richard could vouch for as authentic. there was a caricature artist
- from Sol. the art work was in one corner with two montages of classic
- and NG cast framed. A nice model of a Runabout and numerous pencil
- and colour pictures of ST cast. Tarkara was helping to set up a
- Klingon stall as I passed onto here more press clippings. Gave Jean
- some bits and bobs for her to read till next time including her own
- book mark.
- Browsing through the merchandise, nothing caught my eye except the
- Voyager tech details, DS9 concept drawings and writers guides.
- Nothing was urgent except buying a 10x8 colour of Carel Struycken for
- him to sign. We decided we would wait till after the auctions if we
- wanted any thing here, even bargains on a Monday. It was 10:00 am and
- we moved to Imperial to see Heros and Demons (Voy) and caught part of
- Cathexis as I had to collect my camera and things. It's good to have
- Magggie along as she carried my 300mm lens and various other camera
- bits! Back in the main hall, the partition was being removed as we
- took out seats on the RHS a couple of rows from the front. I got
- talking to Katrina who was wearing a classic red trek mini skirt
- uniform whilst we waited. To the left of me were 2 IDIC members who
- recognised my name and we chatted also. Our view was slightly
- obscured because of 2 speakers but we corrected it a bit later. Scott
- was doing an excellent job compering the attendees with cheers, the
- Praxis, Nexus and Mexican waves.
- The opening ceremony began with George H introducing the dreaded
- committee and the senior stewards (the purple badge wearers). The
- first guest introduced and his approx. 400th con, Richard Arnold. He
- came on stage mentioning he does some 40 odd cons in a year. The next
- introduction was for the tall figure of Carel Struycken. He towered
- over everyone on the platform. Finally the biggest applause came from
- our guest of honour, Majel Barrett Roddenberry. She said hello and a
- few words but was on next anyway and kept it short, so we had a five
- - ten minute hiatus.
- As the 2 speakers were in my camera line, Ian and myself and a
- uniformed Vulcan got the speakers to floor level and the stands to
- one side, to a small round of applause. we were still just to far
- away for a decent close up shot of the stage so I decided upon a
- better seat tomorrow instead.
- Just about noon the lights were dimmed and we had a video montage of
- Majel's work from No.1 to nurse Chapel, the moves to Lwaxana Troi and
- her computer voice to music. The lights rose and Majel was introduced
- to great applause and flash photography as she came upon the stage.
- she moved to the lectern and said she would give a little reading
- first. It was about the thoughts and visions of Gene and of ST.
- Meanwhile a tray of drinks were bought for her, first on the floor,
- then onto the table by Lorraine, I don't think she had a drop anyway.
- When she had finished her words to applause it was Q + A session. She
- said all she knew about the gossip. She talked about the Lwaxana
- character and the story she is working on in which Lwaxana is
- pregnant and comes to DS9 asking for Odo. Majel said she is so busy
- with books, she has no time for an autobiography. Her computer voice
- on ST is a days work. She was very open and explained that Gene's
- ashes have been into space and back. She hopes part of it will
- actually leave Earth and the Solar system. Currently she gets invited
- by NASA to see launching and recently missed the vertical controlled
- payload rocket that goes up and comes down remotely controlled, the
- test was a success and were building the full size one. Majel finally
- ended her 1 1/2 hours of chat, gossip etc. saying she was here all
- weekend and come and talk to her as she'll be in the dealers room
- signing autographs. That talk was really inspiring and I hope Jean
- got it all down on paper.
- 13:30 hours the hall emptied and queues began for the autographs in
- the dealers room. At least the dealers room was closed for the main
- guest. Maggie was hungry so we went to the Garden restaurant for a
- quick bite of an omelette, soup and Earl Grey tea. it was quiet in
- there. Back to the fray, as the queue had fallen, we joined it, we
- had 2 photos back to be signed, one picture was from Half a Life, the
- other from Lwaxana Troi episode in a brown full length dress. Maggie
- took the photos back to the room as she was tired and wanted a sleep
- for a bit. Bumped into Harminder who had an O'Brien and Riker signed
- photos he wanted to get Richard to authenticate as genuine or forged.
- Journeyed into the dealers room again, picked up a few flyers before
- getting a seat for Carel at 15:00. Sat near the front as Scott
- introduced Mr Carel Struycken.
- We gave him a warm welcome and most informative. He started with a
- brief history of himself followed by Q + A talk. he described most of
- his films as science fiction and hence the type casting. He had
- worked on Twin Peaks and David Lynch until finally the money ran out
- on the series. he said some of the episodes were weird, even the last
- one. He lived on an island previously before moving to Holland then
- to LA. The life styles were different but not a great upheaval. He
- worked on another Sci-Fi film - Oblivion - with George Takei and
- other famous people in Romania but the food was terrible there. He
- would love to produce a movie he's developing but needs the finance.
- As for Mr Homn, he could do with more lines, even be father to the
- pregnant Lxwana Troi script. He's not sure if a 3rd Addams Family
- movie is possible as Raul Julia was so distinct in portraying Gomez.
- He said before he knew of the Addams Family, he did not know who
- Lurch was but now he knows. Finally Scott brought the proceedings to
- a close but Carel said he was enjoying it here with his mother and
- wife in Scotland.
- I left my camera bits for Jean to mind as Richard was on next. Simon
- then gave me a cassette tape recorder to record Richard's talk. I
- said give it to Jean to start and I'll change tapes over. I went off
- to join Carel's autograph session and I hoped it wouldn't be too
- long. As I had 3 tickets, one Sat, 2 Sunday it was easier to get in
- now. We all queued outside the main hall and were shuffled right to
- keep the entrances clear. I could hear Richard A begin his talk and
- the slides, which I had seen at Sol III but still 20 odd places from
- our guest. Finally made it, Carel signed his photo in silver (he had
- an assortment of pens) and we chatted, he was very friendly and was
- willing to have photos taken, even with Klingons.
- Returned to the main hall in the dark to find my seat between Janet
- and Jean.
- Took hold of the recorder and sat down to listen to Richard. I had a
- copy of the Trek encyclopedia for Janet to sign the Q bit entry but
- never got round to it again - to busy. Richard had slides of DS9,
- Generations and 2 of Voyager. Latest news Michael Dorn going to DS9
- and filming started last week on the 4th season. 1 or 2 original DS9
- cast was not happy with another cast joining the crew as it might
- curtail characters story lines in a season. Michael Dorn is happy to
- do DS9 as long as he can do features as well like Colm Meaney's
- contract.
- Voyager is going to a 2nd season despite UPN and its ratings. Dr
- Zimmerman is the most popular character and Richard likes Capt
- Janeway and is portrayed well by Kate Mulgrew but the voice is still
- a problem to him.
- Odo and Quark make's DS9 from a script angle and Sisko waits for a
- problem where as Voyager is out there seeking a problem. Richard said
- Dwight had signed 1,000 photos for Sol and 1/2 were sold and he had
- some on his table to sell. Generations 2 is due out in Nov 96,
- filming to begin next year and first draft was ready - it will be a
- Borg story line. Richard said Paramount was clamping down in
- Australia on videos ST cons etc. because it feels it is losing money
- to non licenced ST events - so Britain beware. Finally with all this
- news info to digest - more tomorrow Richard said.
- Over hearing Richard at the dealers table he gave a good analogy of
- how Paramount, sorry Viacom is milking ST dry. If you put the wrong
- fuel in an engine and tweak the engine till it works, there's only so
- much tweaking you can do. You will get it right if you put the right
- fuel in the right engine. He said we should write to Viacom, even
- though fans make up two tenths of the video audience, it makes up 90%
- of merchandising buying power. Over 1 Billion Dollars has been made
- in ST merchandising alone.
- Next up on the timetable was the Stephen Rothwell charity auction in
- the Lord Provost. I forgot to see the viewing earlier in the day but
- I had a listing. Myself, Maggie, John, Jane and Simon were in the
- hall. Fran and Harminder somewhere, Stephen did the auctioneering
- with the aid of Frances, George and Jackie help or hindrance. It was
- cash, cheque or credit card with payment up front.
- It started well with Stephen in his flowery shirt. Baggy got ST-TMP
- script for £40 signed. Scott came into the hall and bought Wil
- Wheaton's signed photo as we cringed at the price of £30. A DS9 large
- video box signed went for £20. Harminder got the 10x8 of Gates. The
- Star Trek exhibition press kit £65, Terry Farrel 10x8 £40, official
- DS9 script for £55, Joan Collins £20, Duras sisters £45, a signed
- rubber glove John Delancie £12. The biggest item sold to a man from
- Kent was 5ftx6ft Generations crewman stand up £30 - superb display.
- Maggie thought the prices were high but they seemed low compared to
- previous con charity auctions - basically people didn't have the
- money with so much merchandise so many cons and ease of getting
- autographs now compared to the past.
- Most of the items photos or signed trading cards. Just before the end
- of the auction a photo of a klingon was sneaked in as the last item.
- Stephen was surprised to see it. Baggy bid 35, Stephen 310 and
- finally Alison 315. That concluded the auction. We broke up and was
- heading out when Stephen seconded me to carry that big generations
- display back to the committee room and who had that negative. The
- auction had finished early with 1/2hr leeway.
- We headed back to our rooms for dinner or noodles. Caught Alison by
- the lift and asked her why she bought it - it was a spur of the
- moment and for charity. For dinner we had Japanese meatballs,
- noodles, fruit and tea. Baggy, Simon, and Jane went for Pizza I
- think as I did not think there was time this evening to eat properly
- like last night. After a change of clothing, badges etc. we were
- ready for the Ceilidh. I had intended to go to the panel discussion
- but time was short but did regret it after listening to the last
- 1/2hr - very informative comments by Richard. Also missed the tech
- talk as well which I wanted to hear.
- We moved next door to the Imperial, the dance floor seemed small for
- a Ceilidh but plenty of Scottish sashes. Quite a few people noticed I
- had no kilt this year, I said I wanted to give it a miss this year -
- very hot! We found some seats in the middle. we joined Donna, Fran
- and Alison. Baggy was in a tie and shirt. One Dave was not in a kilt
- whilst other Dave had an original Trek shirt. Stephen was in his kilt
- and so was Craig but did not join in like last year.
- The fancy dress competition began first with Scott giving his usual
- welcome. The number of entrants were small but a varied selection.
- Notable entrants included: Scotty from Relics, glass + bottle added
- for effect, Ensign Ro, Dr Crusher, Counsellor Troi, A robust Batman,
- a youthful Data in a dress and pony tails, young Worf, a Klingon or
- two, the Generations 18th or 19th century costume and 2 characters
- from Masks (Dave + TQ) The entrants lined up for a quick photo shot
- before the judging began - I think it was a committee decision.
- During that break for drinks we had some Klingon entertainment to
- raise money. I think someone was losing their hair, cut for charity.
- The winners were announced one of them was Scotty, I can't remember
- who was second.
- As the numbers thinned out the Subrosa Ceilidh began with extra large
- participation, literally spilling off the dance floor. It was far
- better than the previous 2 years. Had dance with Maggie, Fran, Jane
- and a few others to strip the Willow, two step and a few new ones.
- It's good to have a fellow like Zander and one expert nearly flung
- Fran off the floor. Jean, Marquerette, Baggy, Dr M'Benga and many
- others got involved in a thoroughly entertaining 3 hours with a brief
- break for the band. You need a break between dances. Majel had come
- along and I asked Stephen whether she danced. Unfortunately she has a
- medical condition but otherwise would have particapated, despite
- having numerous invitations. I got the chance to talk to her and
- thanked her for coming over. I think we had some photos taken but
- I'll see it they turn out. The Ceilidh finished at 1:00 am and as I
- was stewarding midnight to 1:00 am there was no trouble there. It all
- came to an end with the traditional old Scottish New Year hand
- gathering and linked arms.
- We left for Ld Provost to steward A Man Alone and Captive Pursuit.
- The tapes were in long play or overnight duration. We had some fruit
- to eat before Maggie went to bed at 1:30 am. Simon joined me with
- pineapple juice in hand and we had a few ZZ's to the 1/2 dozen people
- in there, The Klingon party was still going on up in the 8th floor I
- hear. Simon departed for his pit or army cot I had seen. I was
- watching Q less when I was relieved by John, from Shettland (his 3rd
- con and IDIC member) at 3:00 am, all's well I said - happy viewing.
- Made my way to reception for a wake up call in 5 hrs time. The bar
- seemed busy as I went for the lifts. Got back to the room and set up
- my clothes for another day, even had time for Scottish biscuits
- before I found a pillow at 3:45 am I think!
- SUNDAY: Only a little late start with an early call at 8:15 am,
- giving Simon and company a ring. Jane answered and was very
- appreciative of the call! The clock rang and it was time to arise.
- Down for breakfast with the intention to catch State of Flux at 9:00
- am but breakfast was more important, only real meal of the day. We
- were shunted to the restaurant, not as nice but a real energy builder
- of juice and cooked fat builder to wake me up for the day. Fran and
- little girl joined out table of 12 places. The little girl was here
- with her parents somewhere in the hotel. Fran was still tired from
- yesterdays activities. After the trough it was the dealers again to
- take some pictures of art work. Amanda and Jim were about having only
- been married recently. Vicki from London had saved enough money from
- her Vet training to buy some Trek stuff. Her friend from Austria
- apologised to me for not writing back as she was busy with a con and
- local ST group. Karinn was sitting outside the main hall reading a
- book - not Trek - I had not seen her since Sol.
- Frankie got chatting to Maggie about the real me and Jean had bruised
- her finger badly during the Ceilidh but was swollen. It was Richard
- who flung her too much last night. Spoke to Dave who I hadn't seen
- since Contagion, he was well and we all moved into Richard's charity
- auction at 11:30 am. No Baggy - that was unusual - but Simon joined
- me as we both noted the prices of the auction. Richard started
- despite the noisy but cool air conditioning system.
- Signed trading cards (master series) of most ST characters went for
- £5-15. A 10x8 of McCoy £55 and Simon got 10x8 of Shatner paying £47
- despite the £1 jumps. Three film clips from City On The Edge Of
- Forever £70. Interesting T/cards of Troi + Riker £35 whilst one for
- Riker £36. Fran tried for a piece of Desilu stationary but it went to
- £20. Doc Zimmerman + K.Janeway photos went for £30.
- A compilation ST adverts went for £15. Overall I think the general
- bidding was low and it was reflected in the prices. Frances said
- Stephen will be happier with his auction as the prices were
- comparable. There was nothing I really wanted in either auction. In
- fact Richard's 60 odd items were done in record time which meant
- there was a good 45 minutes before Richard's second talk, so the hall
- could be reset at ease. We took lunch and a visit to see J + J as
- Jane was not too well, something disagreed with her at breakfast and
- was sleeping it off. I asked if she might want some Chinese medicines
- to John - no answer. Ran into Margaret and Helen on the stairs, both
- had been to Dublin and were going to Wolf 359. Helen had drove all
- the way to Holyhead. Couldn't find anything on Gary's stall despite
- his requests.
- Second row seat to get a snap photo of Richard. again he started with
- a slide presentation of Generation clips. Malcom MacDowell is still
- getting death threats for killing Kirk. He said can I kill Picard
- next. The extra scenes in Generations will be in the box set, not the
- individual video out next month. The scenes were removed to get an
- extra screening in a day in the USA. Then we had a 30 year history of
- ST and preparations under way for the 30th anniversary already ie
- cons merchandise etc.
- Richard felt TNG finished 1 season too early and did a comparison of
- rating points with Voyager DS9 + NG. The DS9 characters didn't work
- as well as TNG. Voyager is correcting this as it moves to Gene R's
- ideas and foresight. More clips of Voyager coming out of the art
- department now and the last 4 episodes of Voyager 1st season will be
- shown to begin the 2nd season - ratings problem.
- Those trailers that the ST cast use are expensive and first sign a
- character is for the chop is when the trailer goes. Michael Dorn's
- face is now healed after all those years of make up but now he's back
- in it again.
- The scene where tribbles land on Kirk's head were thrown deliberately
- at his head by production people for a laugh. Richard thinks Tim Russ
- plays the Vulcan really down to the line over a comment about the 1st
- black Vulcan since Leonard Nimoy. That ended his Q+A. He said if you
- want to get things changed on ST write to Viacom not Paramount.
- Popped out for a few minutes to find TQ + Dave and German friend
- sitting on the stairs. Someone with a video camera was doing an
- official record and I got out of being filmed and interviewed as they
- cornered us.
- Whilst waiting for Carel we had another music video with ST scenes
- produced by the pair who did the Queen video, called Turnaround.
- There was time but was only half completed - not bad. As I was
- staying for his talk Magaret and Helen had to go off stewarding and
- left me with the camera to get some photos - no problem I said.
- Mr Carel Struycken arrived, he is a 7ft 4" tall guy and wears size 18
- shoes - he said in the past he made his own shoes as he couldn't find
- any to fit. He enjoyed running and would buy a few pairs of runners
- as one or two manufactures go up to size 21. His life style in the US
- and Holland are different in some ways and similar in others. he said
- he does not get much notice to do NG work just a phone call and a day
- or two's work on an episode. He would love to do more but he is
- typecast by his height. He did have some difficulty in understanding
- our questions especially with those Scottish accents but coped well.
- He repeated some of yesterdays questions and ended his talk with
- auctioneering terms going once, going twice. gone. he was off the
- stage within an hour but was off to sign autographs.
- Majel was on in 1 1/2hrs time and I was determined to get some good
- photos. I watched Improbable Cause followed by Half a Life sitting
- right on the front row next to the stage. Frankie and Maggie joined
- me. We discussed values and Frankie now had Dwight's address thanks
- to Pam.
- The hall filled up and it was now 17:30 when we had her video montage
- again, Majel arrived and came along the aisle minding the cables onto
- the stage, Frankie was there ready to catch her. Majel wore a black
- and gold outfit sporting an ST emblem in gold or brass. She again
- began reading about the future of space/NASA programme.
- I got some great shots of Majel with my zoom lens - let's hope they
- are in focus! She said we should fund the space programme even though
- expensive or example satellite photos can help in crop growing which
- is what one geologist is doing. She did see the shuttle Mira docking
- and thought it was wonderful. Her Q+A began and in her life she had
- been all over the world and last year Australia and Germany. She had
- stories about Lwaxana and her possible future and Q in Law would have
- made a lovely episode.
- She was asked about Michael Dorn's bum and looking under peoples
- kilts last night - that got great laughter. She would love to live in
- this country but business would make it difficult. She had still some
- limited edition comics left to be sold. She gave us a final reading
- which was delightful. her final act was to thank everyone as she left
- aided by Frankie's hand. He said he wouldn't wash his hand again but
- Pam said "I saw that".
- On our way out I bumped into Ian and asked him about the driving test
- as Baggy had just failed and had he any pointers for the next time.
- Back to out hotel rooms it was snack time with sandwiches from M+S.
- We took the stairs as it was quicker. Climbed into my combination
- DS9, NG and movie uniform for sciences only to go 2 flights to the
- stewards party at 8:00 pm in the Scott suite. In fact I had not been
- on the 8th floor since Friday and only today.
- A small number of stewards had gathered with Lynsey giving out the
- drinks, nuts and crisps. we got a coke and lemonade. I couldn't find
- a beer bottle opener. Katrina arrived in a Counsellor Troi blue
- dress. I asked about it. She said it was modified from a pattern with
- shoes dyed blue. Marquerette arrived in a red (scarlet) dress and had
- to explain the significance being the Holodeck fantasy. A Borg came
- wandering in and out. Anika from Germany was a student and wore an
- original Trek gold costume again made from a pattern. I told her Jean
- standing next to her was a teacher - that brought the conversation to
- a stand still for a second of two.
- Not as good as last years tribble fight in the stewards room but
- plenty of photos taken. as quite a few were in uniform we had a group
- photo taken with the intention of attacking the Klingons after the
- opera. Jim was there but had no civil war uniform this time. Spoke to
- Harminder who said Majel wanted to autograph her name over Bill's
- head in a group photo!
- The Imperial room was full already with plenty of Klingons, a very
- adapt name for Klingons. We got as close as possible to see the opera
- despite the smoke. The opera began with a drum beat with the lead
- Klingon telling the story. At one point a Klingon shouted Qa'pla
- practically in the ear of Katrina - wrong place to sit I thought.
- There was a Klingon fight to the death. The Klingons involved were
- the Protagonists, the Warriors and People with a 3 band orchestra.
- Jean said it was a story about confronting a Klingon monster and if
- she could understand that she was well gone. The Klingon make up and
- dress were superb but I don't know who were those faces but it got a
- tremendous round of applause for originality.
- The whole room was decorated in a holodeck fantasy with bits of
- holodeck coming through, I couldn't think what they were till Simon
- told me. The disco began again to a crowded floor. Dr M'Benga and his
- 2 nurse colleagues were superb in their 70's disco dance style, we
- tried to copy - failing badly. Donna was in full swing pulling Dave
- out many times, where dose she get the energy. I had ago with Maggie
- as long as Tim had ago for a bet. Richard swinging into action as
- well. Baggy, Katrina, Vicki, Karinn, John et al all had ago. There
- was the Y.M.C.A. song, Star Trekkin' and Saturday Night Fever. Star
- Trekkin' had Klingons, Spock, Scotsmen and dead security guards an we
- all joined in a circle. Tim and I tried to get Simon to the floor but
- no luck. In between drinks and dances Majel and Richard A came along.
- Carel did some disco work with his head above the rising smoke. Ian
- and Donna could have done another duet like last year but no karoke.
- During all this a video camera was running - we all could be in the
- con video!
- The final dance came at 1:00 am before we headed back to out rooms.
- Back to our beds for a rest and re-energise. had tea and biscuits and
- did some packing as it would be easier than in the am. I had a couple
- of stewards duties between 2:00 am and 4:00 am. I just threw the
- clothes in a bag for neatness.
- I arrived in the foyer to find Dave and TQ still here just about to
- leave for their digs in Paisley. Got to steward Necessary Evil and
- Rules of Acquisition.
- John of Shetland was reading his book outside his door. We had 2
- dozen people between us. I took over from John at 3:00 am, Simon
- joined me for a brief time before he went to bed. I chatted to the
- other stewards, another blue uniformed Counsellor Troi but I've
- forgotten your name. the senior steward went to sleep to replaced
- with another. Chatted to a few overnight die hard attendees, one only
- needed 2 hrs sleep per night, In fact one member of the public had
- been to the con all day without a badge I was told but was quite
- amenable to leave when he was told it was a private function.
- Stewarding at night is the best time as you don't miss anything
- except sleep but you can snooze a bit. The person in front of me was
- asleep as it was warm without the air conditioner on. It even gets
- cold at the front of the video hall with air conditioners on. Sort of
- fell asleep through Schizoid Man but awoke in time for 4:00 am relief
- with video camera, he hadn't had any sleep either and was not going
- to get any - good luck.
- Threw a paper ball at the sleepless attendees still chatting in the
- foyer before getting to my bed blankets at 4:15 am. I may have been
- awake in the lift but as soon as the head hit the pillow - it was
- lights out till morning.
- MONDAY: The morning arrived with a 9:00 am telephone ring, followed
- by a second one five minutes later. The committee had programmed the
- Monday video viewing correctly - just old episodes till noon. I
- needed a shower and sort of packed everything we didn't need away. We
- went down to breakfast and sat in an aisle seat. we were eating when
- Simon, Jane and Baggy joined us on the next table. Simon was alert
- about my adverse comment about the Official Fan Club. Jane complained
- that someone had stolen her hotel complaint form - she looked at me!
- As I was filling in the form I asked for any suggestions, Simon said
- it was better than last year - I had started filling the form in 20
- minutes after I arrived but this time it was 3 days later. Jane asked
- for a hard boiled egg and got one in a bowl but no egg cup.
- Toast and jam, consumed we left to pack. briefly chatted with the
- maid saying we hope we were not to untidy. Check out time was noon
- and we carefully put the luggage away in the car - it was still
- there. We finally had a look around home for the last 3 days before
- closing the door. We queued at the hotel check out behind big Kevin.
- the hotel got my bill correct for once - no queries this time. handed
- over my credit card and signed away.
- Simon was staying on an extra night and in fact they had taken his
- bed away already. John and Jane were packing, John was still in a
- mess and Jane was quietly writing here complaint form. We did wonder
- what we could do to Simon's bits and pieces as a joke before we left.
- His clothes were scattered everywhere!
- We still had time to visit the dealers room. Stephen caught my
- attention and gave me back my unsold white horta items but at least I
- got some cash. Gary was off to Paris and Zander was minding the
- stall. As the main hall was not quite ready we popped down to the car
- to put a few items away including another signed photograph of Majel
- which I got this morning. Majel was happy to sign as many as possible
- and when George gave here some certificates to sign. I said they work
- you hard, Majel said yes they do.
- We arrived in the main hall to find it was full already.
- Unfortunately we only got half way along the hall. Now I know what
- ordinary attendee has to contend with when you are not close to the
- stage front.
- Scott came onto the stage to work us all up with the Praxix and Nexus
- wave. Then we waited for George to the cheers and clapping to the
- music - the only thing that had gone wrong this weekend was losing
- George this am! He was duly found and the committee arrived on stage
- with Stephen the last to make it with the head set in tow.
- The closing ceremony had finally begun, Richard was first to come
- along then Carel and finally Majel lead up the aisle with a bag piper
- in the lead playing the Gene Roddenberry march. She arrived on the
- stage to a great welcome. The first action was George to hand out the
- awards and prizes for the short stories, poetry, fancy dress
- competition and art work.
- I recognised a few of the familiar prize winners. Jean got 2nd prize
- for her short story. In fact she said she had forgotten about it.
- Scotty came on stage to collect his certificate. Helen won a
- competition also and had to make the long walk from the back of the
- hall to the front.
- Finally out sponsored charity was presented with a cheque for £2,000
- nominally as there was still more to come. Our guests were next
- presented with gifts of appreciation. I couldn't see what Majel and
- Richard got but Carel got a Friendship cup. A special gift was
- presented to George's mother with a bunch of flowers. She was very
- surprised, it was for her hard work in registration of the
- convention.
- Majel said she had received so many gifts this weekend and she said
- please invite her back as you do throw hell of a party at the
- Ceilidh. Her final words was to close the con but she said she was
- still about today to sign autographs in the dealers room.
- The whole hall broke up and we headed for the front of the hall - to
- chat with Jean and Frankie. tried to take some photos of Majel but no
- luck, instead got one of Harminder and Carel. Got a word with
- George's mother about her surprise. She introduced me to Lorraine's
- mother and described my exploits with the wrong way round kilt which
- is now part of Contagion history! Jean asked her whether she got
- involved in ST through George or a fan already.
- The dealers were still dealing and IDIC was packing up. Valerie
- suggested an 2 page A4 con report please as SOL was too big and too
- late. I had already agreed to let TQ do it but she still had to
- come up with a one line comment. John in fact bought my spare Majel
- to get signed as it was different from the others available. Carol
- and Frances - both nurses - were on their way home to Dundee. Fran
- had left earlier for a long train south. I told Stephen another
- picture of him in Richard's auction would have been a double blow. He
- said he would get me back next year. Jean left early also because of
- flight commitments.
- It was early afternoon that we went shopping or out as I described
- it. The shops were expensive but we found a Chinese restaurant and
- had dim sum i.e. rice, ducks feet, prawn balls and Chinese tea. I
- did ask Helen and Margaret if there was a china town in Glasgow but
- they did not know either. By the time we returned to the hotel, Jean
- and Baggy had left for home via Edinburgh but we hope to see them in
- October. It was this opportunity we got to register for next years
- convention Contagion at a reduced rate on the Away team table in the
- dealers room.
- The video programme was still running and we returned to se
- Improbable Cause and Die is Cast, at 15:50 Maggie was tired and had a
- snooze in the chair while I watched. Peter joined us and rocked to
- sleep with 2 seats. he was fairly happy despite losing his car keys -
- he said he would phone the RAC tomorrow. Harminder was going home as
- he was to tired to watch as he commuted to the con everyday.
- When those two episodes finished we had the a drink break and walk
- before crossing to the other video room to watch Cathexis and Faces.
- Richard Arnold was already gone catching the afternoon flight. The
- hall was still full of video watchers. We crossed back to watch
- Facets and The Adversary with Frankie, Tim and Simon. Frankie was
- staying overnight and so was okay. We again had those music videos to
- entertain us prior to the last episode. I asked the music video
- maker lady how long it took. She said about 40 hours. Ian came along
- to say goodbye and at 21:30 it all ended with the closing credits to
- DS9. We all trooped out. I had intended to collect the spare flyers
- but they had swept away probably by the hotel staff.
- I said goodbye to the committee of which only Paula and Scott I could
- find, George was nowhere. Frankie's got a special con next year and I
- said I'll keep in touch with Simon and check out if the photos come
- out. George's mother said good luck and congratulations to Maggie.
- The final last look was to find Stephen in the bar drinking. He had
- another day off to rest. I said I would write the con report as well
- as TQ and I'll send you a copy for the committee of Conundrum.
- There was still daylight outside as we descended down to the car park
- plus I had my ticket stamped. There was no attendant at the gate but
- the barrier was up, so we drove out towards the city centre.
- A last look at the hotel for another year or possibly not, there are
- the Away team meetings. We headed for the M8/M73/M74 to Motherwell.
- We were staying with our friend heather overnight. we arrived at
- about 10:15 pm and she gave us tea. I gave her a few ST items to read
- and watch for our overnight stay. We chatted a while before sleep
- overcame us and went to,bed. She in fact visited the Edinburgh
- exhibition and she said it was excellent.
- TUESDAY: We got a 9:00 am wake up call and we got a full cooked
- breakfast. After that we had a quick visit to Motherwell town centre
- before saying our farewells and down the M74 to Carlisle and
- Liverpool. We had to do a turn around as we forgot to give her back
- the room keys as she runs a B+B.
- To sum, the con was excellent with Scott the great entertainer full
- of energy. Majel was a superb guest of honour. The video programme,
- disco, Ceilidh and Klingon opera were the best of all times, that's
- what made it a success. I think this equals or surpasses the one with
- George Takei in 1992.
- Well done Conundrum '95 committee!
- --------------------------------
- Send in your convention reports/photos (old and new), news or
- details of forthcoming cons to this address:
- The Final Frontier - Conventions
- P.O. Box 8966
- Great Barr
- Birmingham
- B43 5ST